Friday, 25 July 2014

Healthy Breakfast

I am normally not the person that eats very healthy. I am just too lazy to cook vegetables every day or eat fruit all the time- my main nourishment is pasta, my greatest love of all times. Thank the Lord for the Italians!! But yeah, not too healthy eater. However, I do enjoy some fruit from time to time, especially strawberries or any type of berries for that matter.

I’ve been buying strawberries and blueberries here quite frequently. There is a small stand at my bus stop that sells organic local strawberries and there are just delicious. I just chop them up and add some blueberries and put some granola in the mix. The granola I use is a German one called Vitalis Knusper Honey however you can use any type of granola you want. This particular one is sweet because of the added honey but the fruit is quite sweet anyway so you could also use unsweetened granola.

I find that this gives me enough energy for the morning and I can go until lunch easily (with hard labour work I have to say), also it is a nice and healthier alternative to my normal nutella bread for brekkie.

Until then, Cheerio from Berlin,

Liz x

Disclaimer: The pictures above are my own and therefore I own all the rights of these pictures. Please invoice my in case you want to use them. The products mentioned were all purchased by myself or were gifts. None of the links are affiliated.