Sunday, 27 July 2014


Old love, new fire! Back in the day when Friends was actually on tv, or new on dvd or video or whatever was the thing in those days I din’t watch it. Only a few years ago I got hooked onto it. Season 1 & 2 were my laughs in the morning when I had breakfast during my time in Bali. Because I recently moved to Berlin I still have to settle in- I still do not have internet in my room! So being at home without internet is quite boring, let me tell you. I’ve been reading quite a bit but enough is enough. I went out to buy the season 3 & 9. The store didn’t have the forth one so I thought I’d go with 9 because that’s the one where they all go to Barbados.

So anyway, I have been loving it again! I am hooked once again- I crack up so many times no matter how often I re watch the episodes. But since I haven’t seen some of the ones I now have on dvd I’m super excited. Plus, the clothing style they had then, is now back in style so that’s fun. Getting inspired by Monica and Rachel’s clothes. And I might add that Matthew Perry is the singular most hilarious person ever. That guy is the bomb, always makes me laugh so hard.

Until then, Cheerio from Berlin,

Liz x

Disclaimer: The pictures above are my own and therefore I own all the rights of these pictures. Please invoice my in case you want to use them. The products mentioned were all purchased by myself or were gifts. None of the links are affiliated.